Now Is The Time!



Sundays at 10 A.M. @ Parkway High School

Online: Tuesdays at 7 P.M.

Pastors David & Paige Divelbiss invite you to be part of the Destiny Church experience.

With intimate and anointed praise & worship, combined with a powerful word from Pastor David, Destiny Church will probably be a little different than what you’re use to seeing on Sunday, and we want it to be.

Destiny Church launched in October, 2021, dedicated to reaching the lost, raising up believers, impacting the community, and helping YOU find and fulfill your God-given destiny.

Visit us on Sundays at our Parkway High School location or join our live online Bible study every Tuesday night.

We looking forward to meeting you!

 This is a place of freedom, and acceptance. A community of believers and people who love Jesus, and want to learn more about Him. Our goal isn’t to entertain you, or convince you why this should be your church. Our calling is to spread the good news, to be a light in a world of darkness, and to equip and empower those who desire more from God. Overall, our heart is to strengthen the Body of Christ, to stand up for righteousness, and to unite the local and international communities.

We love you. We love people. And we love God.

Service Time:

Sundays at 10 a.m. (Central Time)

At Parkway High School

Join The Dream Team

We’re looking for people to join our core community who want to be part of the Destiny Church Launch Team. If you feel called to this church or this vision and want to help be part of it’s growth and influence, please sign-up on the form below and we’ll get in touch with you and chat about how it could work.